Saturday, October 30, 2010

There's No Such Thing as a Stupid Question... Right?

So, tell me again...

  • Why there is now a bench in the stall of the ladies' room in my building? Because I don't know about you, but I don't invite audiences.
  • Why I would be the resident expert on where to get a sympathy pregnancy belly? I can actually get pregnant -- I don't need to sympathize.
  • Why toothless babies are way cuter than ones with teeth? Is it because the tooth-ed ones are a little more dangerous, and some part of our subconscious has figured it out?
  • Why is Halloween way more awesome as an adult who's dressing up, than it was as a kid who could wear a burlap sack and demand candy wherever the doors open?
  • WHY didn't I call in sick so I could attend ZomBCon yesterday?
  • How come I don't have a picture in this post? I know pictures are like blog currency, so why am I not paying people to show up here?
What are you asking yourself this Saturday?


Fijufic said...

My wife is doing studies on Newborn babies for her Doctorate...

no pics?

Uh oh...


Julia said...

all excellent questions.

i might have to steal this blog post idea at some point. i also have some unanswered questions.

as for question #4, because of sex. halloween, for adults, means candy AND sex. or at least the hopes of it. kids just get candy. lame.

Sara said...

Recently, a couch has been placed in the womens' restroom on the second floor of the building where I have class.

Why do I need a couch? I've already got several choices where I could sit if need be.

And if I'm in the need be.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I think there might be a bench since girls go to the bathroom in groups. Though that's not personally where I'd like to converse.....